Backyard Biodiversity Buddy Program

Linking native animals, plants and our suburban backyards


This program will introduce and highlight the links between native animals, plants and our suburban backyards (are other suburban areas).
The children will discover the animals that call suburban Melbourne home, the plants these animals need, the hiding places they require and what we can do in our backyards to protect and encourage native animals.

The Backyard Biodiversity Buddy program is for 2hrs duration.

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Part A - 1 Hour Duration

Backyard Bush Animals

The children will watch, touch, feel and appreciate a range of native animals commonly found in Melbourne backyards and suburban areas.

They will have fun learning about the furry, feathered and scaly animals that might call their own backyards home.

The animals we bring include:
Ringtail possum
Marsh frog
Bluetongue lizard
Grey Headed Flying Fox
Diamond python

30min break
Snack and toilet break time for the children
Preparation time for Part B, pre-digging holes if required

Part B - 1 Hour Duration

Backyard Bush Planting

Time to play in the dirt!

Thats right, the kids will be involved in a tree planting at your centre.

First the children will learn a little about plants and how they grow.
They will be introduced to parts of the plant, including different types of seed pods. They will also discover why animals need plants.

Then the children will be split into smaller groups to go and plant a native plant each at your chosen spot at your centre.
The children that are not involved in the planting will be doing a craft activity we bring.
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